How to Recognize Emotional Intelligence: 7 Best Tips to Develop Self-Awareness

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


Emotional intelligence (EQ) has become a popular term, with more and more people recognizing the importance of being emotionally intelligent in their personal and professional lives.

“Self-awareness is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence that allows you to see your inner landscape with clarity. Only when you understand your own emotions, triggers, and needs can you develop true wisdom to manage yourself and connect with others.”

 EQ refers to a person’s ability to positively understand, use, and To reduce stress, speak clearly, empathise with others, overcome obstacles, and diffuse conflict, people must learn to control their emotions.Developing emotional intelligence begins with self-awareness. It is the foundation of EQ.

 This article will provide 7 top tips to help you recognize emotional intelligence and develop greater self-awareness. Let’s dive in.

Understand What Emotional Intelligence Is

Emotional intelligence consists of four core skills:

  • Self-awareness – Recognizing your emotions and understanding your strengths, weaknesses, needs, motivations, and goals. This forms the basis of emotional intelligence.
  • Self-management – The ability to control your emotions and impulses, adapt to changing circumstances, handle stress, and follow through on commitments.
  • Social awareness – The ability to understand, empathize and connect with other people from diverse backgrounds. This includes picking up on emotional cues, understanding different perspectives, and actively listening.

You will become more emotionally intelligent by developing competencies in all four of these skills. Let’s look at some ways to start building self-awareness.

Observe Your Emotional Reactions

Start paying closer attention to your emotions and how you react in different situations. Notice when your mood changes – what triggered it? How intense is the feeling? How long does it last? What thoughts and physical sensations are you experiencing?

For example, if you irritate someone, remember what happened just before. Were you already feeling stressed or tired? Did the person say something that struck a nerve? Getting in the habit of self-monitoring this way helps boost emotional self-awareness.

Identify Your Emotional Triggers

We all have situations or interactions that are emotionally triggering for us. Your triggers are unique, based on your personality, past experiences, and innate sensitivities.

Reflect on when you felt particularly frustrated, angry, anxious, or upset.

 Look for any common themes or trigger points. For example, you may get unusually irritated in slow-moving lines or when plans unexpectedly change. Knowing your triggers helps you anticipate and manage your reactions.

Name Your Emotions

Simply having a language to identify emotions contributes to emotional awareness. Instead of just feeling bad, describe anger, irritation, frustration, confusion, disappointment, or anxiety. Even essential labels help you gain insight into your feelings and constructively express them.

Expand your feelings vocabulary by making lists of emotion words or using a feelings wheel. The more nuanced you can be in describing emotions, the better understanding you’ll have of your inner emotional landscape.

Notice Where You Hold Stress

The mind and body are interconnected when it comes to emotions. Notice where you physically hold stress in your body. Are your shoulders and neck tight when you feel angry? Does your stomach knot up with anxiety? Do you get headaches when overwhelmed?

Connecting physical sensations to emotions helps you recognize feelings sooner, so you can deal with the underlying cause instead of just trying to alleviate the symptom.

Reflect on Your Emotions

Reflection and journaling are powerful tools for increasing emotional self-awareness. Make time to reflect each day, even for 5-10 minutes. Some helpful prompts:

  • What emotions did I experience today? Were any more potent than others?
  • What situations or interactions triggered my feelings?
  • How did I physically feel those emotions in my body?
  • Did any of my feelings influence my behaviors or decisions?
  • Looking back, how might I have responded differently?

Regular reflection helps you recognize patterns, gain insight, and enhance your emotional intelligence over time.

Be Open to Feedback

Get feedback from people you trust about how your emotions and reactions impact them. Ask how they experience interacting with you, especially when you feel triggered or reactive. Listen openly without judgment.

The more input you can get from others, the more it will increase your self-awareness and help you gain a well-rounded perspective.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation helps develop present-moment awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. By continually returning your focus to the present, mindfulness enables you to witness emotions more objectively.

Start with just 5-10 minutes daily. Focus on your breath, and gently note thoughts and emotions that arise without getting carried away by them. Over time, mindfulness rewires your brain to enhance emotional intelligence.


Developing emotional intelligence and self-awareness is an ongoing journey. The more you can practice self-monitoring, identifying triggers, naming emotions, physical awareness, reflection, feedback, and mindfulness, the greater your understanding of yourself and others will become.

Strengthening your EQ will improve your well-being and greatly benefit your relationships and professional effectiveness. The rewards are well worth the investment required to develop your self-awareness.


Q: What are the benefits of self-awareness?

A: Benefits include better self-regulation, increased empathy, higher job performance, excellent networking skills, improved communication, decreased stress, enhanced leadership abilities, and more meaningful relationships.

Q: How can I start developing self-awareness?

A: Start by self-monitoring your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors daily. Identify triggers, moods, physical signals, and thought patterns. Reflect through journaling and openness to feedback from others. Practice mindfulness to increase present-moment awareness.

Q: Is developing self-awareness a quick process?

A: No, developing strong self-awareness requires an ongoing commitment to understanding yourself better over months and years. Make it a lifelong journey of growth. Be patient with yourself.

Q: What happens if I don’t develop self-awareness?

A: You may need help managing emotions, stress, and relationships effectively. Poor self-awareness also leads to lower empathy, self-control, and leadership abilities. Committing to increasing self-awareness can help avoid these pitfalls.

Q: How do I become more self-aware emotionally?

A: Pay attention to your emotions, name them, and reflect on patterns. Notice emotional triggers and physical signals. Discuss your feelings with trusted friends to gain their perspective. Mindfulness meditation also deepens emotional self-awareness